at the halfway point

July is the halfway point; we are between two bookends of intensity as we reach the season's midpoint between June and August. Now is the time to rest a little, recharge and recoup ahead of the next half of the year. July is about re-energising to create resilience and restore our strength for the year's second half.

Since childhood, I've always felt the number 7 was my lucky number, but I didn't know why! The number seven represents the element of water and the Aura. When we think of our bodies, we can remember that within our bodies, the number 7 represents our blood and lymphatic system; when we don't feel safe expressing our truth or voice, it can lead to bitterness in the blood, eventually leading to disease. We can drink Hibiscus tea, a beautiful blood purifier; you can find these teas in health shops or capsules (please read the labels). A cuppa a day helps to cleanse the blood.

July will likely call upon you to use your voice by speaking your truth and owning your power. The number 7 represents themes of trust, personal power and space; this will bring situations where our intuition can be tested; we will be called to ask ourselves, "Is this person or situation trustworthy or a match for me?". We've all experienced situations where we've felt uneasy or made choices that didn't feel right, but we did them anyway, and things didn't turn out in our favour; trusting our own higher instincts and developing a relationship with our instincts and intuition is essential right now. There is no other way to navigate these times; it's time to return to our hearts and inner guidance; let's tap back into our inbuilt GPS!

Our voice and words hold magic like spells and carry a potency right now that, if used wisely, can offer the key to shifting your energy and getting in touch with a more effortless flow in your life. You can't go wrong with introducing small, manageable practices into your life, such as meditation and chanting mantras; these align you to intuition, so you avoid the 'bad stuff'.

I had the experience of a rather challenging initiation during my final months of Shamanic training, where I spent the night buried underground; as the sun rose, so did a sense of anxiety. Let me tell you, as I had been in the ground for 8 hours, my resilience was beginning to get tested; my body was aching, and I couldn't move as the hole was just big enough for my body to lay still beneath the soil. As the sunlight filtered through my tiny breathing hole, I felt anxious about getting out! I knew I had to wait for the Shaman to come to my graveside and help me out; I had no idea what time this would be, and so I started to chant 'Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo' which you can translate as "I bow to the Divine teacher within' or to put it another way "I connect to my inner GPS!" to help me navigate the predicament I found myself it mentally! It worked as if by magic, and before I knew it, the smiling faces of those supporting us during the night started to help me out of the ground.

My point is this: I have found that doing my bit, putting in the effort in personal practice, and chanting from my heart each day gave me the extra edge or grit to help me through the final part of the situation. The earth and elements offered me grace and blessings, allowing me to feel at peace and avoid panic to set it.

Now is the time to rest, recoup, and regenerate yourself. Fill your reservoir with wholesome and nurturing practices and slowness so there is enough reserve for the months ahead. Number 7 is the water element, so go to the sea, lakes, or even your bathtub as a mini cleansing retreat. Have a soak, use some bath salts, and enjoy a scented candle and your favourite music while sipping your Hibiscus tea! There is enough magic in this simple ritual!

If there is a Mantra for the second part of the year, it's going to be ~

"I am resilient, I am resourceful, I am self-supported!"

May we all find the inner resources to stand at ease amid all the fuss and noise and emit a sense of calm that soothes the world's waters.

If you are looking for ways to slow down and recoup, take a leaf out of Leo the cat’s book in the photo above! Or check out our ‘Where Women Gather’ circles and cacao ceremonies, Restorative Yoga in the West Sussex Countryside or book 1:1 Shamanic Healing or private one to one yoga sessions.

Big love beauties,

Kim x


brain boost


talking to your heart