august energy

Hey there! How are you feeling about August? Are you basking in the joy of summer days, holidays, and warm evenings with friends, or is it all about coordinating children's activities, attending social gatherings, and balancing work commitments? August is the eighth month, bringing high energy and an increased electric charge, perfect conditions for change and transformation, but we need to consider what's required to make the most of this energetic month.

One way is to connect with your breath; even a simple, alternate nostril breath practice will help lift and balance your day. This will help support your reaction to other people and their frazzled energy and strong emotions this month. Take a look at this practice below;


'Alternate Nostril Breathing'


Sit with a straight spine. You may be in Easy Pose or on a chair, wherever you can keep your spine straight and be comfortable.

Mudra and Breath: 

Using the thumb and index fingers of the right hand, make a "U" of the two fingers, using the thumb to close off the right nostril and the index finger to close off the left nostril.

Close the left nostril and inhale deeply through the right nostril. At the end of the inhale, close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.

Now, inhale fully and deeply through the left nostril, then close the left nostril and exhale through the right one.

Again, inhale through the right nostril and continue alternate nostril breathing. The breath must be complete and full on both the inhalation and exhalation cycles.

Through this simple mechanism of closing or opening the nostrils, the yogi has a highly accessible breathing technique for regulating moods and energies.


3-4 minutes.

Another way to take care of ourselves in August is to dedicate time to self-care and community in order to make the most of the month. This is a great time to reset, organise your home, and establish a manageable routine to maintain balance in your physical well-being.

Life may present challenges, sparks may be flying, and you may be tested physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But by coming together in community, congregation, or family, we can rely on each other for support and uplift our spirits. Together, we can send a positive wave of love, kindness, and support to distressed areas, making a meaningful contribution to the world's issues.

In these quieter moments of coming together, we remember that we are the ones we've been waiting for, and in a united projective psyche, we can shift what otherwise may seem impossible. Faith moves mountains, so let the higher realms do the heavy lifting:

August Affirmation:

"All is good in my heart and home."

Let's take a small peek into 2025. We see it contains the number 5, so establishing good routines and finding a community to support your physical body's stability, balance, and grace will go a long way towards giving you an edge in the New Year!

Now, back to the present moment. Suppose you are searching for a gentle, heart-led community. In that case, we offer the opportunity to gather with like-minded women once a month in our 'Where Women Gather' women's circles, where we create a sacred container. We drink cacao in ceremony, share and listen deeply with no interruption. We enjoy music inspired by the moment and learn practices to soothe the nervous system; we rest by the fireside and craft intentions for ourselves and Mother Earth and experience shamanic healing wisdom through drum, feather and voice to clear blocked energies and bring a sense of lightness and balance.

If you are seeking something a little more intimate with your friends or family, let us create your private cacao and ceremony experience or a more immersive retreat in the West Sussex countryside; our promise is authenticity, integrity, and the opportunity to:

  • Deepen your connection with Cacao, Mother Earth and her cycles, the energy of the four directions, and experience shamanic healing wisdom and the medicine wheel, offering a transformative journey of self-discovery and a deep remembering of your inner wise woman.

'Where Women Gather'

2024/25 Dates:

September 2nd: 7-9pm

October 2nd: 7-9pm

October 31st: 7-9pm

December 1st: 7-9pm

January 29th: 7-9pm

£125.00 (5 ceremonies)

Please call or text 07990 511250 or email for further information or to reserve your place at one of our events.

Big love, beauties

Kim x


ancient chocolate


women and the magical, mysterious moon