women and the magical, mysterious moon

I understand the deep healing we receive through sharing our voices in the community (even if it feels scary!). This blog is to honour and thank all the women who have participated in this shared healing experience during the monthly 'Where Women Gather' circles, which have been my haven for the last thirty months AND to the moon for guiding us back to our intuition and illuminating our femininity; Wow, what a magical ride it's been, with so many beautiful souls gathering under the moon.

Why did I start to offer women's circles?

Inside all of us, there is probably a wound or two! We may have experienced something as children or later in life that caused us suffering. I don't believe anyone escapes this part of being human. Through a personal lens, I have learnt that they do not have to define us. Still, we do need to be willing to give up the version of ourselves that was alive when the trauma happened, and this can be the tricky part.

What do I mean by this?

To provide a relatable explanation, I'll share that due to 'some' of the conditions I experienced as a child over a prolonged period, I developed the core belief that people were bad and I wasn't safe around them. As I got older, this belief stayed with me. It remained the foundation from which I related to the world and its inhabitants. This didn't make for a super fun life and kept me a little stuck, to say the least; it needed to change if I was ever to start living my true potential, whatever this was!

To keep it brief for this blog, we don't magically wake up one day and wave our wounds goodbye, as most of us don't have that magic delete button or can rub them out like graphite marks on paper. What we can do is learn to tend to our wounds and the little ones inside us who have experienced fear or suffering. Three younger versions of me need tenderness: the baby, the toddler, and the teen. These stages in my development were disrupted by less-than-ideal experiences. Still, I can see that they are integral to me being the person I am today and my ongoing learning to love and feel compassion toward my fellow humans and their stories. As Thich Nhat Hanh, the Buddhist Zen Master and my most prominent teacher, said, "Without suffering through the mud, you cannot find the happiness of the lotus".

But I had to be willing to let go of the small, fearful version of myself that couldn't speak up and sought validation from external sources; this wasn't an overnight process, but a magical part of this letting go involved me sitting in a circle and sharing my voice. Wow, it felt uncomfortable at times! My heart raced, my mind whirred as the heat rose, and how I wanted to run away. Still, on a soul level, I knew this was part of recovering my true potential and supporting the little ones inside me who could never speak up or be genuinely heard.

I continue to deepen my trust in women. As we sit together, deeply listening to one another, we are each gifted an opportunity to remember we can experience trust. We cannot forget that we all have a little one who needs their hand held, and in these nourishing and held spaces, she is welcomed to sit by the fireside just as she is.  

Where Women Gather

With this in mind, I created 'Where Women Gather', where you can find that little piece of sacred time in the company of women sitting in a circle and feel the power of this shared experience. Trust in the healing wisdom surrounding us, Mama Cacao, Mother Earth and each other. Gathering with other like-minded women to share stories and support each other through life is an enriching and uplifting experience. Women have been gathering since the start of 2022; some drop in and out, and others continue to participate for each and every block!

What will you experience?

During our time together, we create a sacred container through ceremony. We drink cacao, share with each other and listen deeply with no interruption. We enjoy music inspired by the moment and learn practices to soothe the nervous system; we rest by the fireside and craft intentions for ourselves and Mother Earth and experience shamanic healing wisdom through drum, feather and voice to clear blocked energies and bring a sense of lightness and balance.

Whether you gather with friends for a private cacao and ceremony experience or join our monthly women’s circles nestled in the West Sussex countryside; my promise is authenticity, integrity, and the opportunity to:

  • Deepen your connection with Cacao, Mother Earth and her cycles, the energy of the four directions, and the medicine wheel, offering a transformative journey of self-discovery and a deep remembering of your inner wise woman.

Join me in creating a long-forgotten sisterhood that once was the lifeblood of our well-being, where deep listening, hugs, and honesty fostered personal growth and a sense of wholeness. This is an opportunity to unfold a deep inner knowing that we are never alone, always connected to each other and to something greater that guides us forward with love.

With love, beauties.

Kim x


august energy


funky energy