funky energy

We can accumulate some pretty funky energy during one day, let alone a lifetime or many! You only have to remember when you came into contact with that friend or associate, spent some time conversing with them and afterwards felt low and like you wanted to crash out for a few hours.

The world is fast-paced and messy, with a whole heap of different energies flying about, and even for the most spiritually in-tune person, it's super easy for your aura to become drained, muddied, or mired with a million outside influences. You can think of your aura as the container of your life force; this force brings confidence, security and love. When our aura is strong and vibrant, it repels negativity, so when that dear friend tells you their wows, you won't take them on board and won't need to sleep it off or feel sick. A strong aura brings a beautiful inner sense of security and a presence others will enjoy being around. When our aura is weak, we can feel paranoid or lack self-belief and trust; this is when negativity can penetrate the physical body.

Just as we ensure our cars have an MoT and a regular service (or at least an oil top-up!), we can also take simple steps to bring a self-care package into our lives. It's not as complicated as it may seem. Many of us have come from a culture that puts no value on self-care or spirituality, but that's a conversation for another time. Let's focus on a few simple ways to cleanse your aura and power up...

Plunging into Water.

Plunging into water is one of the best and easiest ways to cleanse your aura. Physically and emotionally cleansing, this land's lakes, streams and oceans hold a profound power to cleanse the body and soul of emotional burdens. Being in nature's waters brings us back to a neutral state and cleanses our aura. Whenever I swim in a natural body of water or sit by the ocean, I always offer a flower or a little song to the spirit of water to give my thanks. Even when I swim in our natural swimming pond, I thank her for having me before I leave!

Soaking up sunlight.

Catching the first rays of the sun before it reaches the earth, not the insects and the grass, but we should be the first beings to receive the rays of life. Getting up is complex, and we often prioritise sleep. Breaking the cycle of insufficient sleep and stress about getting enough rest is difficult, but the sun has healing powers, and the cleansing pure light washes away the darker thoughts of the day. I devote a whole ritual to connecting with the spirit of fire and Grandfather sun (blog 17th April 2024 Harness Spring Fire Energy at Ellasfield and at Home).

Go for a short walk.

Everything makes more sense when we take a walk through the trees, hills or by a river. It doesn't have to be a big ramble; taking a short stroll around the block to listen to the birds and look at a tree can help heal the soul. Let the bird song, the spirit of the air and sunlight clear out any pollution of the modern, fast-paced world, leaving you more able to connect to your primal senses and your gut instinct that can become clouded at times.

Practice self-love.

There is a young child within each of us who is suffering. It's important to recognise when that self-sabotaging voice arises, as it's often stemming from someone else's fear or negative messages we've internalised. Despite the negative energy, Thich Nhat Hanh said, "The first step is to learn how to breathe mindfully, smile at your strong emotions like anger, and embrace your anger tenderly like a mother embracing her baby. You may have to talk to your inner child many times per day. Only then can healing take place." Thich Nhat Hanh's wisdom and Plum Village's teachings have been essential for my healing journey and underpin what I share.

You will find all of the above during your personalised retreat, whether for one day or an immersive stay; all we share at Ellasfield is how we live and breathe.

With love, beauties

Kim x



women and the magical, mysterious moon


brain boost